Monday, 13 August 2007

Back on Track

We were discharged from Lewisham at the end of last week and sent home with antibiotics which the community team are able to give once a day which has been great. It is always really lovely to all be under the same roof. It becomes a very disjointed way of living when half of the family is in hospital.

Francesca is on really top form and is counting the days to her birthday. She is very excited by it all and has a bike as the top of her birthday wishes (and you know she'll get it too - it is pink and called Molly)!!! She has had a good weekend and has enjoyed running around with Charlie creating havoc.

We look set to continue with the chemotherapy this week up at GOS. Tomorrow Fran will have a particularly long day. She will have a general anaesthetic so they can give her a lumber this will be followed (once she's awake) by a drug called Cyclophosphamide. It takes just half an hour to go through but, due to the potency of it, they have to administer 4 hours of fluid through her line. It is a long day - I'm hoping that all the drugs will be ready for her so that we don't have to wait for too long before they are administered.

We will also start another chemo drug that is given through her line on a daily basis for four days called Cytarabine, this can be given by the community nurse at home. Unfortunately it means she'll have it on her birthday but all things considered that is our most favoured option.

These drugs are ones that, in our experience, do take their toll on Fran. Fingers crossed she'll cope with it all well. These pictures are of Francesca with her lovely friend Albie and at the park last week.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jayne,
Many thanks for keeping us up to date with Fran's treatment. Afraid I'm unable to give blood... but have joined the local Leukaemia Research, they are a smashing group of people. Busy making Christmas cards for them etc....

We can't manage to print a picture at say A5 size only full page. Can you offer any advice?
Love Anne

gem howell said...

Hey Fran
Happy birthday to you, squash tomatoes and stew, happy birthday to you....
Hope you get lots of pink things
Lots of love Auntie Gem and Uncle Tom xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Fran,
A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY from all your friends on Elephant Day Care at Great Ormond Street! Have a fantastic day and see you on Tuesday! Love Rochelle