When she gets a temperature the hospital automatically take blood cultures to see if there is a bug growing and if so, what exactly it is in order to treat it effectively. No bug has grown which is both a good and bad thing, good in that she won't need 2 weeks of antibiotics but bad because we're just not sure what's been wrong with her. They have been treating her with a few different antibiotics and all being well, she will be back home tomorrow.
As Fran's had some sort of infection it has suppressed some of her counts - most importantly her immune system (neutrophils), in order for her to start her next intensive period (next Tuesday) these counts will need to recover more - fingers crossed as the sooner we start intensive, the sooner we finish.
As for Francesca, she loves going to hospital as she gets one on one attention from Lewisham's play specialist plus whoever is sleeping there with her! She is in great humour and keeps all the nursing team entertained.
This is a picture of Fran in hospital yesterday making play dough with one of the play specialists. The photo at the top of this entry is of Fran with her favourite community nurse Alison. She is wonderful, Francesca completely trusts her - something to do with the endless supply of stickers Alison provides!!!!!
Hello there Francesca, Auntie Karen here. I just wanted to say how wonderful you were looking in that pirate hat of yours. Tim will be very proud. Also I absolutely love making playdough, have you made any pink dough yet? I used to add glitter to mine to make it all sparkly (although it doesn't last as long and can get rather mucky). We love you lots and lots and auntie steve sends you one of his big sloppy raspberries, so you better run when you see him next. Lots of love to you, Charlie and your wonderful mummy and daddy. xxx
Auntie steve here..... auntie Karen is right when I see you next I am going to give you such a huge cuddle as well! We think that you are so very special and love you lots and lots. See you soon,
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