We arrived at Great Ormond Street Hospital just before midnight on the 18th February. The following day, Stuart, Francesca and I met our consultant, Dr Nick Goulden (a fantastic man). He confirmed that she did indeed had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) and would start treatment with steriods the following day. Due to her high white cell count, she has been placed on Regimen B of treatment. On the Wednesday she had a big operation to put in a central line in order to give the chemotherapy over the next couple of years and to take bloods etc. She handled everything really well. The steriods and fluids started to work and her white count reduced quickly.
She started the chemo that week too which was really agressive for her but again, she took it in her stride. After 11 days they told us that we would be able to go home and that she would just need to go back to GOS for chemo each week. We were really dreading going home as on one hand we just all wanted to be back together as a family but on the other we didn't want the safety net of GOS to be taken away from us. That and the additional pressure of all the drugs Fran was going to need at home.
Here is a picture of Francesca in the first week of being at GOS.
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