Thursday, 20 September 2007

Into Maintenance

Francesca and I popped up to Great Ormond Street on Tuesday but didn't in the end have any chemo as she had a strange little rash on her leg and shingles needed to ruled out (which it now has been). We now know that Francesca will have an operation on Friday 28th September to remove her central line then, a couple of weeks later, another operation to replace it. The hope is that with a new central line infections will be minimised and Fran can return to a much more settled way of life.

Fran has been at nursery for most of the week and has had a great time - it feels like, for the first time in 7 months, that we might be returning to 'normal'.

Maintenance will start next week, this will mean going to GOS just once every 3 months for lumbar and will continue until the end of April 2009. In between all of that will be monthly chemo at our local and oral chemo daily at home. We feel positive going forward that Fran will keep infections at bay and that she won't need so many transfusions.

This is short and sweet but keep checking in as more photo's and news will follow!

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