I am so sorry this has taken so long to post and for the lack of photo's. My computer has been broken for a few weeks hence the delay... anyway...

It is with a big sigh that we have reached the end of Francesca's treatment. It has been a long journey but, last Wednesday Fran made it to the end.
Two weeks ago Fran spiked a silly temperature which meant she was in hospital for a couple of nights - it amounted to nothing but did put back her last lumbar puncture. So last Wednesday we made our final visit to Safari Day Care for her lumbar and final bone marrow. What should have been easy was a bit of a task - it took four attempts to take blood before her general and three attempts to take the bone marrow. Poor Fran was terribly upset when she woke up and very sore. Rochelle said that it seemed her last treatment pretty much reflected how all her treatment has been! Rochelle called us on Friday to check on Fran (who was absolutely fine) to let us know that the results of her bone marrow were negative for leukaemia. It is with great joy that we can announce FRANCESCA DOES NOT HAVE LEUKAEMIA!
So, what's next? Well Fran will continue to go to Safari but just to the clinic side of things to see Rochelle and her consultant Nick - that will be every month or so to begin with and will then slow down. In six months time she will have to have her pre-school booster and her MMR booster. It can take up to six months for the bone marrow to recover itself post treatment so we still need to be careful around chicken pox and may still need to go to Lewisham Hospital if she spikes a high temperature. I am hopeful though that she will be fine now.
The pictures I have attached are from Bank Holiday Monday. Our very special friends Sam and Pete planned a surprise party in the park. Many friends from Fran's school were there and a great time was had by all. In fact, the party continued back at our house!! As you can see, the children had a ball with games and prizes. Thank you to all who came and made it very special.
This blog will continue and we will use it to keep everyone up to date with Francesca's recovery and with young Charlie's high jinx. Charlie has been an absolute star over the past two years - he is the best little brother going. Please continue to look at this blog and mark yourself as a follower!
Thank you for all your support. Jayne, Stuart, Francesca and Charlie xxxx