Thursday, 26 February 2009

Snow, School and Half Term Fun

It has been busy, busy, busy here so apologies once again for the delayed posting!

Firstly, I have posted some great photo's of Fran and Charlie in the snow - they loved it!

Francesca has been really well, she had a chemo postponed a week last month as she had a rash on her legs and the hospital didn't want to risk her becoming unwell. It amounted to nothing but did mean that when we went into half term Fran wasn't on steroids so on that level it was good. The new steroids Fran is taking really are an improvement, she does seem to become quite 'manic' but, that aside we are glad that she isn't experiencing the depression the dex was causing.

She has been able to spend so much more time at school and it has been a relief to see her settled in and enjoying it so much. Her teacher Lorna is really great and she is beginning to develop new relationships in her class.

Stuart took the week off for half term so we were able to spend a few days in Bristol before returning on Wednesday for Fran's vincristine. That all went well and towards the end of the week we popped to a safari park in Kent with Fran's best friend where fun was had by all.

We are now looking directly at the end of treatment. With just two more doses of vincristine to go it seems impossible to believe that this part of our journey is coming to an end. The lows have been really low but I know (as I have said many times before) that they have made our family stronger. We are so excited that we are at the end but nervous about the first few months after treatment. It will be great and we will be celebrating with a big end of treatment party - date to follow.

Here are the latest pictures.